IRS representation

We'll do the talking

Hiring a professional to deal with the IRS can be beneficial because they have the expertise and knowledge to navigate the complexities of the tax system. A professional CPA can help you understand your IRS problems and work with you to resolve them. They can provide insight on the best strategies for dealing with the IRS, ensure all of your paperwork is in order, and can often negotiate better terms for you with the IRS.

In addition, a professional CPA can assist you in understanding the tax laws and understanding your legal rights and responsibilities. Furthermore, they can help you develop a plan for managing your taxes in the future to avoid any similar issues. In summary, a professional CPA can be invaluable in helping you solve your IRS problems.

Acoonto IRS Representation
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for an IRS representation consultation

Acconto Personal Tax Services


IRS Representation for Individuals

Acconto Business Tax Return Preparation Services

IRS Representation for Businesses

When facing a dispute with the IRS, taxpayers can benefit from representation by a qualified professional. Professional CPAs can provide critical assistance to taxpayers in a variety of IRS disputes, including audits, appeals, collection notices, and even criminal investigations. For example, if the IRS begins an audit of a taxpayers return, a CPA can help the taxpayer navigate the process. CPAs understand the rules and regulations of the IRS and can help taxpayers understand their rights and prepare documentation to support their case. In appeals cases, CPAs can also help taxpayers determine the best course of action and provide advice on how to prepare for the appeal.

If a taxpayer has received collection notices from the IRS, a CPA can help the taxpayer negotiate a payment plan or other resolution that is beneficial to the taxpayer. In cases of criminal investigations, CPAs can help taxpayers understand their rights and provide advice on how to best cooperate with the IRS.

IRS Problems

will not go away on their own

IRS Tax Debt

We can advise you on ways to negotiate with the IRS to reduce or eliminate tax debt. We can also provide advice on how to set up an installment payment plan or settle the debt for less than the full amount.

IRS Tax Audit

We can provide guidance on how to prepare for an audit and can represent you before the IRS. In most cases we will fully interface with the auditor to resolve the matter so you do not have to speak with them directly.

IRS Tax Dispute

We can provide advice on settling disputes with the IRS over tax issues such as income level, deductions, and filing status.

Hire a professional CPA

with specialized knowledge and experience needed to accurately and efficiently address your IRS issues

Professional IRS representation is when an individual or business hires a professional, such as an accountant, enrolled agent, or attorney, to represent them in dealings with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The professional is responsible for providing advice and assistance in dealing with the IRS, including filing tax returns, responding to IRS notices, and representing the individual or business in appeals, audits, or other proceedings.

Professional IRS representation provides individuals and businesses with a knowledgeable and experienced advocate, who can provide advice on ways to minimize tax liability and resolve disputes with the IRS in a timely and cost-effective manner. Professional representation can also help ensure that deadlines are met and that any payments or other filings are done correctly, helping to avoid costly penalties or other issues with the IRS. Additionally, having a professional involved can often provide a greater peace of mind, allowing individuals and businesses to feel confident that their tax matters are in good hands.

The cost of IRS representation services varies depending on the scope of services required. Generally, the fee for these services is based on an hourly rate and can range from $100 to $400 or more per hour. Call us to discuss your situation.

IRS Representation Questions

What types of services do you offer?

We help our clients in dealing with the IRS by communicating with the IRS on their behalf, helping to prepare and file necessary documents, negotiating payment plans and other resolutions, and providing advice and information to the client on their tax obligations. We also provide representation during audits and appeals processes.

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